Check out these beauties!

What? You don't think they are pretty? Imagine them with black spray paint...up on the wall by my dining room the new house.
See? Can you see it??? NICE. Still no? Yeah. My sis wasn't too excited about these either.
But she will be. She. Will. Be.
And then she'll be SO irritated that I bought them despite her gnarled lip and furrowing brow.
I also scored a jingle bell wreath (have been wanting and stalking them for YEARS-$2), a lazy susan (that needs some paint and mod podge-$3), this cute table for baby girl's room (it will be painted, of course-$8)

And these:

And not to forget the reason I was able to score these deals....Hubby let me have all day yesterday to play with my sis and go shopping. We hit two Goodwills, Sonic Burger (for drinks), and Joann's. I had to buy jute for a project and black enamel paint for this:

What is the one down-fall of scoring all these deals yesterday? Hubs would say, "It's the money." No, Honey!
I have to pack it all.
Minor detail.
Here's my mom, me, and my sister on Mother's day:

Thanks for a great day, Husband! And thanks for going with me, Sis!